$Source: /cvsroot/svggrapher/svggrapher/SvgGrapher.constants.php,v $
Define the constants wich can be redefined.
Default number of decimal
Decimals separator
Default screen resolution
define the default X label
define the default Y label
Default graph title
define the number of pixels between each lines of the X grid
define the number of lines of the Y grid.
define the number of pixels between each lines of the Y grid
define the number of pixels between each minor steps of the Y grid
Space between graph and abscisse tags, 0 to 5% of the width limit to 15.
Space between graph and ordinate tags, 0 to 5% of the width limit to 15.
Padding of the first point from the abscisse.
Padding of the first point from the abscisse.
true to generate auto id for the svg elements
Thousands separator.
title string style
TTF fonts path
Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:32:08 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0