Class Curve


class Curve

Located in /mains/Curve.php (line 46)

Variable Summary
 mixed $color
 string $id
 array $labels
 mixed $legend
 string $style
 array $values
 string $visual
Method Summary
 void __construct ([array $params = array()], [int $id = 0])
 void render ()
 void setColor (mixed $color)
 void setFilter (mixed $filters)
 void setMarker (mixed $marker)
 mixed __get (string $property)
 mixed __set (string $property, mixed $value)
mixed $color = NULL (line 87)

Curve color

color of the curve, string or array of string if the curve have many colors.

  • access: protected
string $id (line 55)

The Curve id.

  • access: public
array $labels (line 62)

Abscisse data.

  • access: public
mixed $legend (line 98)

Curve legend.

legend of the curve, string or array of string if the curve have many legends.

  • access: public
string $style = NULL (line 76)

Curve style

  • var: or SvgStyle
  • access: protected
array $values (line 69)

Ordinate data.

  • access: public
string $visual = 'polyline' (line 108)

Curve visual.

name of the visual plugin to use to render the curve.

  • access: public
mixed $_curveFilters = array() (line 115)

Curve filters

  • access: private
array $_curveMarker = array() (line 122)

Curve marker

  • access: private
Constructor __construct (line 148)


Initialize the object with the params.

the key of the array params are:

  • labels : curve abscisse data (array)
  • values : curve ordinate data (array)
  • style : curve style (string)
  • color : curve color (string or array of string)
  • legend : curve legend (string or array of string)
  • visual : curve visual (string)
  • filter : plugin filter name (string or array of string)
  • marker : plugin marker params (array) see Curve::setMarker() to params

  • access: public
void __construct ([array $params = array()], [int $id = 0])
  • array $params: key / value array params
  • int $id: curve id
render (line 326)


Render the curve using the PluginManager

  • access: public
void render ()
setColor (line 259)


set the curve color, if $color is string (when the curve use only on color) the color is add to the style attributes (stroke and fill)

  • access: public
void setColor (mixed $color)
  • mixed $color
setFilter (line 203)


Add filters to the curve calling the according filter plugin.

  • access: public
void setFilter (mixed $filters)
  • mixed $filters: filter plugin name, array of string to set many filters
setMarker (line 231)

Set the curve Markers

Add a marker to the curve calling the according marker plugin.

marker params:

  • plugin : plugin to use (string)
  • color : marker color
  • id : marker id

  • access: public
void setMarker (mixed $marker)
  • mixed $marker: marker plugin name, array of marker params array to set many markers
__get (line 283)


magic method to the properties who needs specials actions (like filter, marker or color).

  • access: public
mixed __get (string $property)
  • string $property
__set (line 306)


magic method to the properties who needs specials action (filters, color or marker)

  • access: public
mixed __set (string $property, mixed $value)
  • string $property
  • mixed $value

Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:31:54 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0