class Curve
Located in /mains/Curve.php (line 46)
Curve color
color of the curve, string or array of string if the curve have many colors.
The Curve id.
Abscisse data.
Curve legend.
legend of the curve, string or array of string if the curve have many legends.
Curve style
Ordinate data.
Curve visual.
name of the visual plugin to use to render the curve.
Curve filters
Curve marker
Initialize the object with the params.
the key of the array params are:
set the curve color, if $color is string (when the curve use only on color) the color is add to the style attributes (stroke and fill)
Add filters to the curve calling the according filter plugin.
Set the curve Markers
Add a marker to the curve calling the according marker plugin.
marker params:
magic method to the properties who needs specials actions (like filter, marker or color).
magic method to the properties who needs specials action (filters, color or marker)
Documentation generated on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:31:54 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.0